Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Peace, At Last

My relative took back all the stuff I was translating. I'm not sure if I'll get paid - ahh, I couldn't be bothered. Hahaha, I feel so much better.

I tagged along with my elder sister and her boyfriend. We had "bak kut teh" for dinner and Swensen's ice-cream for dessert. It was good. I'm so glad I'm almost done with most of the stuff and I get to rest a bit from now on. I'm actually hoping to meet up with Shari this Saturday, for lunch. Sunday I'm going along with my family to Kedah - we have a wedding dinner to attend.

Otherwise, life is as usual. I'm writing postcards to some friends whom I promised real mail. Then I'm irritated with most bookstores here for not having the books I'm looking for. I don't think they are that rare. I mean, the Embedded Systems book I ordered was rare. But the other ones aren't really rare at all. I'm sick and tired of hearing "Out of stock" over and over again. It's the worst thing bookstores could do - not carry books you're desperately seeking. I don't get it. It's such a stupid way to lose customers.

Ah, I didn't mention the name of the bookstore. I can't afford to pay a suit of defamation or something, if the bookstore finds out. LOL.

I've started dressing really casually for work. Can't take it anymore. The report I have to write for my supervisor is about 60% done actually. I've made some progress and I am kind of proud of it. I'm going to finish it by this week and hand it in. That's the only way I can afford this weekend off (lunch and outstation trip). I like my new contact lenses. They are comfy. I have to get a few more pairs before I leave.

I'm tired but not really sleepy. I've watched the new episodes of Smallville, Season 5. It's quite sad how Jonathan Kent dies. I mean, I've watched Lois and Clark and he was still around. So it's weird. Maybe they're changing the story. But it is sad. I've always loved Smallville. I get irritated when the episodes are a bit boring (the beginning of Season 5 was not too good) but things are picking up now. I'd like to be a loyal fan :)

Grey's Anatomy is going good. I'm downloading the latest episode, it's about code black. I'm not sure what it means. I'll find out tomorrow.

Time to hit the sack, I only had 3 hours of sleep last night.

Take care you guys!


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