Thursday, September 21, 2006

Bits 'n Pieces are Better Than Zilch..

Well, I have bits and pieces of my thesis up. 17 pages written, a few diagrams drawn, 1 large chunk of code ready for testing...somehow I feel a bit motivated lately because my thesis has been all that I have been thinking about. It's tiring, no doubt. Especially when you have to hide from your supervisor because you don't want him asking you about the progress of it.

It's frustrating when everything you pick up just proves to you that you really don't know enough sometimes...

I cooked fried rice with belacan (prawn paste) yesterday. Didn't smell too good but it was really tasty. I used this belacan-based fried rice paste I brought from home. Hm, talking about it now is making me hungry because its almost 2pm and I haven't eaten lunch.

I am actually blogging from outside the labs...sitting on this cemented area near large green bushes. I came by to look for one of the lab guys to return his programmer he lent me - I borrowed it during the first week of August actually but I can't return it to him (for the record, it didn't work, that's why I bought my own programmers -- yes, 2 programmers, 1 spare...burnt a big hole in my pocket) because the times I come by - he's not in! Argh. I hate seeing that programmer, feels so jinxed.

So I took out my laptop to e-mail him. Now I'm blogging to clear my head :)

On the way home now, to eat lunch and re-think some code snippets then I might come back to the lab tomorrow to start more testing.

Have a great weekend guys!


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