Friday, December 01, 2006

Keeping to my words...

Well, I did promise something interesting in 5-6 days..from my last post.

I got a job offer in Australia. It's a very interesting post - more IT than Engineering based, actually, but I would really like to take up the job if the salary/visa can be settled. I meet with my possible employers next discuss all this.

We'll see what happens...

So you never know, I just might end up staying here a few more years. Seems odd, considering how I kind of brain-washed myself to going home and working at a bank...despite knowing its not what I really want. It's difficult to work in a field where you know nothing of, not to mention that you've spent your many years chasing after technical stuff. I won't say I am being's just that I know what I am looking for to a certain extent. That's it.

I am 1% short of a Distinction for my Microeconomics paper...also got my thesis write up marks..not very impressive I must say. But after all said and done - it was a good experience, ahh the wonders of the academic life - definitely not for me. You won't see me wanting to do a PhD..though the idea of being referred to as "Dr something" does sound impressive. But nah, what's in a name? :)


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