Thursday, July 24, 2008

So Much To Do...

So Little Time.

Oh my goodness. The amount of things happening these days is just so overwhelming. My Mom and Sis visited, I prepared for that, I organized a dinner for them to dine with my cool friends around Oslo. Then I moved apartments, 15 days ahead of schedule because my landlord is a sweetheart. So I packed, rented a car, bullied S into driving 5 trips to the new place and then a nice trip to Ikea (Ikea is way more fun when you have a car booth to fill rather than lug the bags on the bus). Now its been a week since I moved, I am still unpacking and still in the midst of cleaning up my old place to hand it over to the apartment's agent. It's got no more things in it - just needs to be cleaned up but I can't seem to bring myself there after work because work itself is so draining. I work in two departments and the workload is quite a bit. I still have to figure out my internet access in the new place and return the cable modem from the old place and all that. *Sigh* This whole being an adult thing is difficult - you don't get time to just sit back and relax - its just chasing one deadline after the other.

There, end of rant :)


At 7/26/2008 03:08:00 AM , Blogger the Constantly Dramatic One said...

"because my landlord is a sweetheart."

Do I sense sarcasm in there? =p

At 7/28/2008 10:47:00 PM , Blogger little miss kechik said...

yes. i hate being an adult too. *LOL*

At 7/28/2008 11:25:00 PM , Blogger Fieran said...

@LMC: True true. Not fun :)
@CD: No, really. He's actually a friend.


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