Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Movie Review

So I watched this movie last night. It was quite interesting actually. I am not going to put any warning about spoilers because most of the people who frequent my blog aren't really Hindi movie buffs, I *think*.

So what's it about? The year is 1996, Boy is 18 - meets Girl A on a trip to Switzerland, treats her like your typical 18 year old jerk, and goes back to India as if nothing happened. The scene where she finds out that he took her for a ride makes you slightly skeptical about his character.

Then, they flash forward, the year is 2002. Boy is 24 - has a live in relationship with Girl B who wants to be an actress. They don't really show you much about their relationship except for they're in this very comfortable stage. She doesn't even like his friend. Boy is a game programmer and gets an offer to go to Sydney. He jumps at the opportunity and his friend asks him - what about Girl B? Boy goes on and on about how she is modern and she doesn't want marriage anyway, etc. Guess what? She wants marriage. Boy has no guts (typical! hahaha) and tries to wind his way out with his friend's plans. Nothing works out - he leaves her at the altar. Well, in this case on the steps of the temple in her wedding clothing. He took an earlier flight and flew to Australia. He leaves her with a ring I think, and like no note nothing. You'd think he'd have poured his heart out into a letter - oh but that takes guts too. At this scene, I kind of sat up and thought "What kind of a guy is he? That is such a horrible thing to do."

The year is 2007, Boy is 29 - meets Girl C, a taxi driver who also works in a supermarket and is studying. She's totally not the type of girl he is used to. This time he falls hard. She says she doesn't believe in the institution of marriage (actually this scene was missing from my movie, don't ask why ;)) and then his past 2 girlfriends flash in his mind. He gets guilty. Starts to realise how painful it is to be rejected/dumped. He goes on this mission to find these girls and apologize to them. That's the gist of it anyway. Again, parts of it were missing from my version. *sigh* :)

But yeah, it was not a bad movie, but this is like one of the few times where the lead character is not exactly all black and white but more gray. I like this style of portraying a character - its more westernized. Watch it if you like - there are DVDs out there with English subtitles ;)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Scent of Days Gone By

When I first started working at the age of 17+, post my government exams, I dreamed of buying expensive perfumes. Of course these days, as a working adult, it is pretty easy to afford this luxury (granted I do give up eating out when I reach my budget). However, back then, it was indeed a luxury. The first perfume I bought was Clinique Happy. I loved the smell. I remember going to MidValley Megamall to buy it from a perfume counter inside Jusco. I remember the excitement of being able to buy something so cool with my own hard-earned money. It has been 7 years now. I recently got a bottle of this perfume and just one whiff of it is enough to bring back memories of working at the bookstore, being in university, and all that. It is amazing how much fragrance plays a part in stimulating memories. *Wistful sigh* Life was so much easier back then! :)

Image borrowed from:

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Missing USB Cable

So I searched high and low when I suddenly realised last weekend that my camera's USB cable was missing. Kind of panicked because I thought _maybe_ it was still in the old apartment. Two days ago, I finally found it - in one of the boxes. PHEW.

Here are some photos :)

The cupcakes I made end of July.

That is last weekend's biscotti that turned out to be my dinner for Saturday and Sunday :) They were too good to be true.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

A Lazy Weekend

I have had just way too much to do lately. The new apartment, cleaning up the old apartment, electricity (water is free in Norway) and Internet access to settle, the constant increase in workload, the change of manager, the prospects of traveling for work - everything is happening NOW.

So i insisted on taking this weekend "off". Doing nothing much but some cleaning, some baking, some cooking - but lots of lying on the couch daydreaming :)

It has worked out fine. I made some chocolate chip almond biscotti and it tasted awesome. I'm going to make more today and take some to the office tomorrow :)

Friday, August 01, 2008

Next Stage, New Phase

Just awhile ago I handed over the keys to my old apartment. Today was the official date to hand over the keys and have the apartment inspected. It feels strange. I remember being extremely happy in that place when I first moved in because I reveled in my independence. Having a studio apartment was always a dream of mine. I remember wanting to live in a studio while I was in Brisbane - but my family weren't keen because it was pricey and also because they felt that I will be all alone.

Truth is, I enjoyed living there. It's not that my new place is not nice - it is awesome - but I need to start putting things away :) Everything is still everywhere. It's just that the old place had tons of memories. The first time I cooked dinner for my friend. Getting ready for Julebord. Making fish curry for myself on my birthday. The bathroom is the best part of that apartment. It's white and beautiful.

Oh well. I didn't like that apartment because it was too small. There was no washing machine, no oven to bake, only 2 small burners for the stove and no dishwasher. The new place has all these and more. I guess I am still not used to this new place yet.

This is the next stage of my life - when things are different. I live in the heart of the city now. It is about 40 minutes walk (I thought it was 30 minutes until I walked last week, phew!) to work or 20 minutes by bus (I have been lazy and taking the bus lately...I shall start walking again next week.) I will post some photographs of the new place soon.

Goodbye old place. Thanks for the fun 1.5 years ;)